
三カ国からなるAudax Clubs Nordiquesが開催するSBS (Super Brevet Scandinavia) 。 ロングライドを知り尽くした北欧の1200km。
【北欧】Super Brevet Scandinavia August 16-20, 2013
SBS web site |
2013年8月16日から20日にかけてスーパー・ブルベ・スカンジナビア(Super Brevet Scandinavia)を開催します。ブルベの開催を始めてから20年、このライドはランドヌール・モンディオ(Randonneurs Mondiaux)によって承認され、PBPに似たルールで執り行われます。
詳しい情報はSBSのウェブサイトで http://www.superbrevetscandinavia.dk/english/home.html
ヤン・ブシャット オダックス・ランドヌール・デンマーク
——– 原文 ——–
Dear fellow Randonneurs,
On August 16th-20th 2013 the Super Brevet Scandinavia will take place – 20 years after the First edition of the brevet. The ride is sanctioned by Randonneurs Mondiaux and is governed by rules very similar to those of Paris-Brest-Paris. The route will take the riders through 3 countries: Denmark, Sweden, and Norway using mostly roads in good condition with little traffic. During the ride the riders will take 5 ferries to get across the waters that divide the different parts of the countries. In contrast to most other brevets, most participants ride the SBS as a stage-ride, where everybody starts out at the same time in the morning and rides to the next dormitory.††Food in the evening and accommodation at night is provided for, but otherwise the riders have to find a store to get their brevet-card stamped and to buy food and drink during the day. For 2013 the number of participants has been raised from 50 to 70 as we expect the interest in this kind of event to grow. Check out the SBS-website at? http://www.superbrevetscandinavia.dk/english/home.html for more information.
Happy bicycling! Jan Buschardt Audax Randonneurs Danemark(日本語訳:Tak Kawano まとめ:Midori SHIROKI)