
ACPの諸規則について理解を深める目的で、ACPのアジア地区他のBRM担当Jean Gualbert FABUREL氏に幾つかの疑問点について質問を行った(2004年12月、2005年4月)。多くの疑問点は質疑応答で明らかになった他、2005年11月に締結されたACPとAudax Japanとのパートナーシップ契約で明文化された。パートナーシップ契約の項目と相違がある場合パートナーシップ契約の項目が適用されるが、広く一般参加者にもブルベの運営を理解していただくため、過去の質問応答の記録として掲載する。 (2006年3月)

  • 2008.3.27 Q5のACP回答にLRM会議決定事項を追記



Q1: 順次取得

Do your rules demand that the participants ride the BRMs in the order of 200km, 300km, 400km and 600km?  Does a rider have to do the 200km before the 300km, the 300km before the 400km, and the 400km before the 600km? Or do you allow a rider to do the BRMs in whichever order they please?

BRMのルールでは200km, 300km, 400km, 600kmと順次認定を取得しなければならないでしょうか。300kmを走る前に200kmの認定を、400kmを走る前は300kmの認定を、同様に600kmを走る前に400kmの認定を受けてないといけないですか。もしくは、参加者はBRMをどのような順番で走ることを許可しているのでしょうか?


There is no order for riding BRM. A rider can do a 600 km without riding another BRM. There is only for hard rides, as Paris-Brest-Paris, we ask for four BRMs (200, 300, 400 and 600) to be sure the participant is able to do the ride and has done a correct training.

BRMを走る順番は決まっていません。参加者は(より短い距離の)他のBRMを走らずに600kmを走ることも可能です。PBPのように、厳しいイベントの参加条件として、ACPは4つのBRM (200km, 300km, 400km, 600km) をすべて完走することを要求しています。その目的は、参加者がPBPを実際走れるか、適切なトレーニングをしているかを確認するためです。(2004年12月6日)

Q2: Super Randonneur

How long is the Super Randonneur qualification valid?  Is it only valid for one year? Is so, would I have to do a 200 to 600km series every year to be qualified as a Super Randonneur?



The Super Randonneur awards the riders who have done at least 4 brevets (200, 300, 400 and 600) in the same season (same year). You can have this medal every year if you want… and if you do a 200 to 600km serie. I haven’t the form in electronic format but you can ask me for the medals. You just need to send me the name of the rider and his homologation numbers.

スーパーランドヌールは同一シーズン内に(同一年内に)最低4回のBRM (200 300 400, 600) を完走した参加者を表彰する賞です。もしも望むなら、200kmから600kmのBRMを毎年完走し、SRのメダルをもらうことができます。 SRメダルを請求するための電子書式 (書面)はありませんが(必要な枚数だけ)請求してください。(該当者)の名前と各認定番号だけを通知していただければ結構です。(2004年12月6日)


Q3: BRMコース、開催日時の変更

Suppose on the day a BRM is scheduled the weather turns bad and it snows. If we use a different route from the one we have submitted to the ACP, but hold the BRM on the very same day, will the ACP certify the event even if the route was changed? In case of a storm or other contingencies, can we reschedule a BRM to a different date and still get it certified by the ACP?



You can reschedule a BRM or use a different route if you have real reasons to do it. You just have to inform me before the event. Of course, If you use another route, the total lenght must not change! You have to inform us as soon as you can for any importante modification (date, road). If you are not able to inform us before the event, you can easily justify why you have to do a modification and we will accept it. In this case, you have to inform us you have done a modification and why.


Q4: 主催者ルールの14条の解釈


Article 14: It is forbidden to organize a long-distance bicycling event on the same day as a BRM if the route overlaps some parts or all of the BRM route.



This article is not clear enough. We will modify it. The ACP board doesn’t allow a rider to do 2 events the same day, using all or some parts of the BRM route.

We have to deal with a famous rider who has riden another event during a PBP and the ACP has added this article after that.



Q5: 試走認定

Can the organizers of a BRM do a pre-ride, one week or perhaps 10 days before the actual BRM to check the road conditions, and then receive the BRM homologation for doing the pre-ride? As I hear it, in some countries, they allow this, but the organizers must submit their results along with the other participants, using the same date as the official BRM.



It is allowed to do a pre-ride for the organizers one or two weeks before or after the event. You have to join the name of the participants to the scheduled event results.


  • 試走は本番の2週間前まで認める。本番後は認めない。
    第16回PBP終了後の2007年8月25日LRM(Les Randonneurs Mondiaux)会議において変更された。(2008年3月27日追記)

Q6: BRM追加申請

Is it possible to add a BRM after the official BRM calendar has been announced by the ACP? Or is the official calendar fixed, and do all BRMs have to be registered by mid-October? If we can add BRMs, is there a deadline? Does the ACP allow organizers to submit an application for a BRM that is not on the official calendar any time during the calendar year?



I won’t homologate any non official event. You have to send all BRMs by mid-October to be accepted.For some special reasons, we can accept to add an event. For example, a french organiser had discover in december spain had planned Madrid-Gijon-Madrid. He asked us to add two events to be able to qualify some french riders. But we have to be informed a long time before the event…


Q7: 参加費

In the telephone conversation you had with Ms. Maya Ide on October 24th, 2004, you indicated that the BRM participation fee was too expensive in Japan. What is the fee level that the ACP will mandate for BRMs conducted in Japan? Previously you indicated that in other countries the average participation fee was between $10.00 to $15:00.I would like to have clarification regarding the fee level which ACP deems to be appropriate.



I am very surprised with your participation fees. As far as I know, they are the most expensive in the world, far from the more expensive. For example, in France, you have to pay about 2 to 4 euro (250 to 500 yens) as participation fees and 5 to 6 euro (650 to 800 yens) for the medal… and that’s all. We don’t understand why the japanese participation fees are so expensive.

As BRM events are self-sufficient rides and as the ACP or RM fees are very low, the fee level should be also low. In France the fees are between 2 and 4 euro. Outside, you can find fees until 15 euro without medal… but never 32 euro to 39 euro for an event! I understand the japanese costs are higher The BRM are not a commercial organisation.




Q8: 参加者資格



In Japan , all participants must become a member of Audax Japan before they can participate in a BRM. Only those who have registered as members may participate in a BRM. This is because we believe that as a fledgling organization mandating membership will help protect the integrity of BRMs in Japan . Is this the standard practice in other countries? If not, is there a problem with this policy?



It is not a standard practice but the ACP board has decided to modify this article #2 as some countries has no riding formal organization, except the BRM organiszation.

We thought riders must have an insurance and a riding affiliation often includes an insurance. In the future article, you will read : “Any affiliated cyclist may participate…”. If your participants have no riding insurance, they have to affiliate to Audax Japon. But your brevets have to be free for other affiliated riders. Will you ask a foreign rider to be member of Audax Japon only for an event? Will you ask Hans Dusink or another member of “Randonneurs Mondiaux” to be member of Audax Japon for a ride?


組織に所属している参加者は通常自転車保険に加入していることを考慮した規定であります。今後第2条は以下のように改定します。「サイクリストであれば所属団体を問わず、誰でも参加できる」 (affiliation=「所属)。したがって、参加者が自転車保険に未加入の場合はオダックスジャパンに入会する必要があります。しかしあなた方が主催するBRMは他の組織に所属する参加者に対しては参加を自由にしなければなりません。あなた方はBRMに一回しか参加しない外国在住の参加者に対し、AJの会員になることを要求しますか。RMのメンバーであるHans DusinkさんやRMの会員に対し一回のBRMに参加しようとした時、AJの会員になることを要求しますか? (2005年4月18日)

A8 (2)

We just want the riders to have an insurance policy. In my mind, “affiliated” means “dedicated insurance” but we also allow in France non affiliated riders if they have an insurance policy.

In general, any cyclist could participate if he/she belongs to a bicycling club or organization and/or he or she is insured. If the bicycling club has no ACP code number, I have to create it.

For non affiliated riders (but with insurance), you can use the ACP code “600099”.





Q9: 主催者資格

The formal notification informing us that  Audax Japan has been chosen as the sole representative, states that [ The BRM events can be organized by any organizer and can be validated by ACP, through Audax Japan, if they are in the ACP events schedule.]  Though today every organizer is a member of Audax Japan , if in the future an independent organizer should appear, how will the ACP perceive the above policy of Audax Japan ?)

日本の代表権がオダックスジャパンに移ったっことを知らせるACPの通知文には 「BRMは誰でも主催でき、そのBRMがACPのイベントカレンダーに掲載されていれば、AJを通じてACPの認定を受けることが出来る」と言う一文があります。現状、主催者は全員AJの会員でありますが、将来AJの会員ではない、独立した主催者が現れた場合、会員制としている現在のAJの方針をACPはどう考えますか。


You should accept such an organizer even if it is not member of Audax Japon. But he will have to accept all the BRM rules and you will be responsible for his brevets.

Randonneurs USA , for example, is just a central organization with many independants clubs.



A9 (2)

Any club can be an organizer if people are applying BRM rules. As you are responsible for any BRM in Japan , you have to check if the organizer is applying the rules.

So, if you are sure a club X is able to organize a BRM, you can accept to put its event in the japanese ACP calendar. I will not accept an organizer directly. He has to go through you for calendar, homologations, etc… Of course, you are free to have your own rules regarding who can be an organizer.

I am writing an agreement for all the ACP correspondants. I want to clarify all our organisation because you are not the only ones to ask questions. I hope it will be done in less than 5 months, just before the 2006 calendar submission, in french and in english.



現在私は全てのACP correspondantsとの契約を書いている最中です。全ての組織上の疑問を明確にしたい。なぜなら貴方以外の方からも質問をいただいているからです。(他のBRM組織からも質問が来ている)。5ヶ月以内に、ちょうど2006年のBRMスケジュール提出直前までにこの合意事項をまとめたいと思っています。英語版とフランス語版を準備する予定です。(2005年4月24日)


Q10: 苦情処理


Article 15: This article refers to an appeal process in the event that a participant does not accept the decisions of the organizer. The article states that any complaint or appeal must be submitted in writing to the organizer within 48 hours of the completion of an event. The organizer must then submit the written appeal attached with his or her opinion to the Commission des Randonneurs where the final decision will be made.


Article 16: If an appeal is submitted to the Comite Directeur de L’ACP, or if there is a divergence of opinion regarding matters not covered by this article, the final decision will rest with the Comite Directeur de L’ACP.

第16条:ACP理事会(Comite Directeur de L’ACP) に問題が持ち込まれた場合、また本規定では定めていない意見の相違が発生した場合、ACP理事会が解決し、其の判断を最終決定する。


Is the Japanese organizer expected to send the written complaint or appeal of a Japanese participant to the ACP?  Since the RUSA rules state that all complaints are to be submitted to RUSA, is Audax Japan also authorized to handle all complaints that have been lodged by Japanese participants?



This is not applicable outside France . We are studying a new agreement which will clarify this point. By now, you should do as RUSA and ask ACP only if you can’t solve by yourself.



Q11: スポンサー

On page 5 of the English version, the agreement stipulates in Article 10, clause 2 that “a local association should not have commercial arrangements with companies that have a lucrative goal.” Does this mean that a local organization cannot receive any financial support for a BRM event from a for-profit company, such as The Coca Cola Company? Is it correct to state that BRM’s cannot have a sponsor that would advertise their products during a BRM event?

(ACPとACP Representativeとの契約)英語版p. 5にある合意規約、10項2節「各国の組織は営利を目的とした企業と商業的なとりきめを行うべきではない」、これは各国の組織はBRMのために金銭的ないかなる援助をも営利目的の会社から受けられないということでしょうか?営利目的の企業というのは、例えばコカコーラなどを指しています。「BRMは、その開催期間中に商品の広告をするスポンサーをつけてはならない」という表現は正しいでしょうか?


Your question about sponsor is important. We accept that organizers have sponsors for their events because it is often the best way to decrease the fees for the riders.


Here in France, our federation asks us to avoid sponsor, particularly the advertisements on jersey. But you can do what you want in Japan. It is up to you to define if you want to be dress like competitors or in another way.


The clause 2 of article 10 is to prevent for-profit events. A non-profit company could organize an event for a for-profit company. In summary, we accept the commercial arrangements if they are for the benefits of the riders and we don’t accept them if they are only a way for a for-profit company to make money.



2008年日本で初めてフレッシュを開催するに当たってACPのアジア地区他のBRM担当Jean Gualbert FABUREL氏に幾つかの疑問点について質問を行った(2008年1月2日回答)。


I am not in charge of the Fleche but I will try to answer to your questions.Our current responsable, Mrs Suzanne LEPERTEL, is not fluent in english so it should be easier if I can answer directly.

私はFlecheの専門外なのですが、本来の担当者である Mrs Suzanne LEPERTEL は英語が得意ではないので、私がお答えするのが妥当だと思います。

First of all, the spirit of a Fleche is not exactly the same as a BRM. It is a team ride and you have to ride as far as you can in 24 hours together. At least, you should be 3 “bikes” at the end (it could be 3 tandems). Here are some answers to your questions :


Q1.  コントロールチェック

What is the allowed range of time difference, at the control point, between the pre-declared time and the actual arrival time? Or is it simply ok if the control check is completed?


– It is simply OK if the control check is completed.

Q2.  スタートから22時間後のチェック

Does the last check point has to be exactly 22 hours after the start? Is there any allowed time range?


– You can’t know where you will be at the 22 hours. So, you can’t choose a place before you start. But you have to write on your brevet card where you are after 22 hours and then stamp your card in the first place you can. Of course, there is no allowed time range.

Q3.  24時間の許容範囲

Does the finish has to be exactly 24 hours after the start? Is there any allowed time range?


– Of course, the finish has to be exactly after 24 hours. You can ride after but the homologated distance will be the distance after 24 hours.

Q4.  2時間以上の休憩禁止

Is there a proof required to show the resting time is less than 2 hours? If exceeded, does it comply the DNF condition? Is the stop at the control considered the resting time?


– I don’t understand this question about resting time. As you do it during brevet, you can have rest as long as you want. But you have to ride at least 80% of the theoritical distance (real distance should be between 80% and 120% of the theoritical distance). If you are under 80%, you are DNF. If you are above 120%, your homologated distance is 120% of your theoritical distance).

Q5.  認定距離

Is there a difference in certification (homologation) depending on the distance ridden?


– The homologation is the same for every team who rode at least 80% of their theoritical distance.

Q6.  実走行20%以上の例

Could you show examples of the case in which the total distance ridden is exceeding more than +20% of the pre-declared distance?


– In France, we are going to the south of France. So, we start from a town in the north of France, for example Troyes, and we ride to the south. Sometime, we have a very strong wind called “Mistral” which push us and help us going very far. In such case, we can ride over 20%.

Q7.  参加チームのクラブコード

Can the team with no ACP code participate in Fl?che?


– we can create all the ACP codes you need. I have very few ACP codes for Japan but I have a lot for many countries. We can give an ACP code to all the cycling club of Japan… But we have to do it only if it is usefull, so create them when the riders are doing a BRM or a Fleche. To create an ACP code, you just have to ask me.

Q8.  コース設定

Is there any prohibition in planning the route? Is the round trip course using the same route both ways allowed?


– A straight route is the best solution. It is really the spirit of the Fleche… Every team is riding in the same direction to meet at the end in a nice place. You can do a round trip even if it is not in the spirit of this event. But you can’t use the same road twice.

Q9.  認定申請書類

What is the required paperwork / documents in certification? Can the template or application form be sent to us?


– I don’t know what is requested. As far as I know, you are only giving us the name of the team who succeeded with some informations… But I don’t know which ones. It should be the name and/or number of team, the name of the riders, the name of the starting place, the day and the hour of the start, the theoritical distance, the real distance after 22 hours and the place, the real distance after 24 hours and the place.

Q10.  開催時期

For reference, there isn’t a traditional custom of celebrating Easter in Japan. Can Fl?che take place in any time around the year?


– The Fleche has to be held at the beginning of the cycling season, when the weather is not too bad but not so good. Do you have a traditional celebration in april? If yes, you can choose this day fo your Fleche but you have to explain your choice.

Q11.  やむを得ない場合のスタート時間の遅れ

In case of the delay in public transportation or unavoidable natural conditions, can the Fl?che participants start the ride later than the originally scheduled time?


– You can change the starting time if you have to.