September 23, 2011 English
- PBP登録時の注文金額 12,990ユーロ(1299枚、1枚10ユーロ)
- PBP会場での直接販売+寄付合計金額 1480ユーロ
- 合計14,470ユーロ
- 寄付金額 1,448,157円(9月22日レート:1ユーロ=100.08円)
今回のバンダナ販売による義援金集めは、ACPの積極的な協力と助言があったからこそ実現し、より多くの人たちから支援を得られました。Audax Club Parisien、各国ランドヌール、PBPボランティアのみなさまに心より感謝します。
bandanna exchange is setup sharing the tent with reflective vest booth.
楽しかった、Merci !
appreciate your support. we enjoyed it. Merci !
bandanna exchange tickets. all of them carry our wish for Earthquake Recovery.
Bandanna in support of Japan
East Japan Earthquake Recovery Support Bandanna
The total sum of 14,470 Euros was raised by the charity sale of bandanna at PBP 2011 in support of recovery from the East Japan Earthquake. All proceed was donated to the Japanese Red Cross on September 22.
Pre-sales with PBP registration : €12,990 (qty. 1299, €10 ea.)
Onsite sales at PBP + cash donation : €1,480
Total : €14,470
Amount donated : 1,448,157 JPY (at 100.08JPY/EUR on September 22)
Many people, including volunteers, have purchased the bandannas at the PBP. There were many of you who have made cash donations after the bandannas have gone sold out. The success of this charity sale is based on the strong support and advice by ACP which has further caught attention from more supporters. We really appreciate all the support received from everyone including Audax Club Parisien, Randonneurs from all the countries, and PBP volunteers. Thank you very much.
